
We are excited to announce a new page of the Section G9 website dedicated specifically to trainings! This page is a hub where you can find presentations from previous section events as well as national resources to utilize when giving trainings within your lodge. 

If you have given a training presentation and would like to be featured, OR, if you have an idea for a future training that you would like to see covered, please contact us at

Understanding the Purpose of the Order

Understanding the Purpose of the Order was given at the 2024 Fall Council of Chiefs by Section G9 Vice Chief Madi P. of Kanwa tho Lodge. Through analyzing the new vision of the Order, “To be why Scouts want to stay in Scouting,” this training asked Arrowmen to reflect on how they became active and why they stayed involved in the Order to provide possible solutions to increasing member activation and retention.

Access the presentation here.

Adults in the OA

Adults in the OA was given at the 2024 Section G9 Conclave by Lowaneu Allanque Lodge Adviser Jen Cain and Associate Lodge Adviser Eric Growney. Through analyzing what it means to be an adviser and the characteristics of an effective adviser, participants learned how to better provide guidance to youth in the OA through this training.

Access the presentation here. View the syllabus here.

So, What About Communication?

So, What About Communication? was given at the 2024 Section G9 Winter Council of Chiefs by Section G9 Secretary Catherine A. of Waupecan Lodge. By emphasizing the importance of consistency and creating a unique brand, this training offered participants insight on effective methods of engaging an audience through social media, email, website, and other means of promotion. So, What About Communication? also offered Arrowmen the opportunity to develop and discuss their own promotion plans, utilizing their knowledge of what their lodge found engaging.

Access the presentation here.


Promoting Through Social Media

Promoting Through Social Media was given at the 2023 Section G9 Conclave by Section G9 Secretary Eli L. of Takhone Lodge. Stepping through the variety of social media platforms and offering relevant tips on graphic design, this training analyzed the three main elements of promotion: regular & consistent, personal & appealing, and personsuasive & informative to provide participants with the knowledge necessary to develop promotional plans for lodge or chapter social media accounts. 

Access the presentation here.


Managing Lodge Social Media

Managing Lodge Social Media was given at the 2021 Section C7 Conclave by Section C7 Vice Chief Peter Selfors and Lodge Chief Collin Welke of Wag-O-Shag Lodge. Through identifying goals of social media promotion, this training provided advice on each of the four steps of managing lodge social media – planning, content, publishing, and post analysis. By analyzing the components of quality posts and captions, Managing Lodge Social Media equipped Arrowmen with the necessary skills to effectively manage lodge and chapter social media pages.

Access the presentation here.


OA Memes

OA Memes was given at the 2021 Section C7 Conclave by Waupecan Lodge Secretary Matt M. A fun take on social media promotion, this training explored the purpose and relevance of social media content and highlighted how to accomplish promotion goals by incorporating popular and engaging memes. Walking Arrowmen through how to create their own memes, OA Memes helped Arrowmen design their own memes to promote future OA events.

Access the presentation here.

The Art of Ceremonies

The Art of Ceremonies was given at the 2025 Winter Council of Chiefs by Takhone Lodge’s honor ceremonies team Jamie C, Daniel C, Doug G, and Jill H. Offering a thorough introduction into ceremonies as well as helpful tips for more experienced ceremonialists, this training covered the importance of ceremonies, the significance of the principles and symbolism, advice when conducting a ceremony, and memorization tips and tricks.

Access the presentation here. View the syllabus here.


Everything Ceremonies

Everything Ceremonies was given by Kanwa tho Lodge’s Abigail B. at the 2024 Section G9 Conclave. Providing an informative background on the history and importance of ceremonies and offering advise on the proper portrayal of ceremonies, this training provided a useful background on the Order of the Arrow’s ceremonies while facilitating discussion on ceremonies amongst principles

Access the presentation here.


Setting the Stage: Everything Inductions, Unit Relations, and Lodgemaster

Setting the Stage was given by Bigfoot Lodge’s Vice Chief of Elections Xander C. at the 2024 Section G9 Conclave. While also emphasizing the importance of unit elections and unit relations, Setting the Stage offered useful tips on how to ensure Arrowmen become activated and return to complete their brotherhood once inducted. Tying in the induction into the overall elections process, this training emphasized the crucial role event planning, consistent communication, and personal connections have in Arrowmen retention. More on the unit elections and relations element of this training is covered below under “Unit Elections, Unit Relations, and Lodgemaster.”

Access the presentation here.


Understanding the Ordeal Ceremonies

Understanding the Ordeal Ceremonies was given by Ma-ka-ja-wan Lodge’s Kary Brown at the 2023 Section G9 Conclave. Through analyzing the purpose each individual aspect of the Ordeal Ceremony, from the setting to the script itself, this training dove into best practices for ceremonialists when personifying principles. With emphasis on thorough memorization, quality gestures, verbal clarity, and expression of emotion, Understanding the Ordeal Ceremonies was a useful workshop for interested ceremonialists. 

Access the presentation here.


Successful Elangomats

Successful Elangomats was given by Kyle W. of Kanwa tho Lodge at the 2022 Section G9 Conclave. Through utilizing national Polestar resources, this training emphasized the crucial role elangomats play in a candidates journey and dove into the responsibilities of an elangomat. By providing a sample timeline of an Ordeal, Successful Elangomats demonstrated the steps for elangomats to take at each stage of the Ordeal in order to ensure a quality connection with their crew. 

Access the presentation here.

Inhibiting Habits and Purpose

Inhibiting Habits and Purpose was given at the 2024 Section G9 Conclave by Section G9 Vice Chief Nickolas G. of Wag-O-Shag Lodge. Through a discussion on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, this training covered methods of breaking bad habits and forming good ones. Relating motivation and habits to overall purpose, Inhibiting Habits and Purpose asked participants to consider their individual purpose in Scouting, in the OA, and in life and advised how to achieve a motivational “flow” towards  achieving that purpose.

Access the presentation here.


Jammin’ with Jill

Jammin’ with Jill was given at the 2024 Section G9 Conclave by Takhone Lodge Vice Chief of Communications Jill H. This training sought to develop the leadership skills of participate through fun and engaging games that emphasized different elements of leadership, including communication, trust, and role clarity. Intended as an introductory workshop for upcoming leaders, Jammin’ with Jill also featured discussion questions for participants to determine what they have learned about leadership from each exercise.

Access the presentation here.


Managing Relationships

Managing Relationships was given at the 2024 Section G9 Conclave by Josiah R. of Kanwa tho Lodge. Through defining a relationship and analyzing the types of relationships, this training analyzed the elements of strong relationships and how Arrowmen can foster them through leadership and communication.

Access the presentation here.


Train the Trainer

Train the Trainer was given at the 2024 Section G9 Conclave by Lowaneu Allanque Lodge Chief Austin M. This training shared best practices when developing training courses and building training teams. With focuses on choosing interesting and relevant training topics, implementing the start-stoop-continue method when evaluating the success of a training, considering the various methods of learning and formats of delivery, and preparing a training syllabus. 

Access the presentation here.


Lodge Planning

Lodge Planning was given at the 2024 Section G9 Winter Council of Chiefs by Section G9 Vice Chief Nickolas G. of Wag-O-Shag Lodge. Designed as a group discussion, this training asked Arrowmen to  consider what makes the OA and its event memorable and unique in order to determine how to best plan engaging lodge events. Lodge Planning had participants examine their lodge’s culture and analyze the role that culture plays in activation rates.

Access the presentation here.


Finding Your Vision

Finding Your Vision was given at the 2023 Section G9 Conclave by Takhone Lodge Training Chair Emilyn C. By defining what a vision is and encouraging participants to analyze why they are involved in Scouting and the OA, this training walked Arrowmen through creating a vision for what they endeavor to accomplish and setting SMART goals in order to achieve that vision.

Access the presentation here.


Innovating Change

Innovating Change was given at the 2023 Section G9 Conclave by Wag-O-Shag Lodge Chief Nickolas G. This training sought to provide Arrowmen an introduction to critical thinking in problem solving through defining innovation and analyzing the components of innovation – determination, uncertainty, failure, pain, and leadership. With a group discussion on struggles Arrowmen are facing in their lodge, unit, and life, Innovating Change offered solutions to common problems by encouraging Arrowmen to think outside the box.

Access the presentation here.


What Does Leadership Mean?

What Does Leadership Mean? was given at the 2023 Section G9 Conclave by Section G9 Vice Chief Kyle L. of Waupecan Lodge. Designed for Arrowmen who have recently stepped into a lodge leadership role or are considering doing so, this training emphasized understanding the responsibilities of different roles within the lodge, practicing servant leadership by learning about lodge leadership, and providing quality customer service to others. By utilizing group discussion, participants were able to learn from the trainer while also sharing and hearing the experiences of other Arrowmen.

Access the presentation here.

How-to: Elections

How-to: Elections was given by Bigfoot Lodge’s Inductions Chair Xander C. at the Section G9 December 2024 Roundtable. By offering insights into Lodgemaster use, illustrating a sample unit elections timeline, and highlighting a streamlined unit elections request system, this training utilized what the Bigfoot Lodge elections team has learned over the years to offer valuable insight into all aspects of the unit elections process. From working with unit leaders to schedule elections to building teams of Arrowmen to conduct the unit elections, this training addressed the various issues that often arise in the elections process and offered valuable solutions on how to address them.

Access the presentation here.


Setting the Stage: Everything Inductions, Unit Relations, and Lodgemaster

Setting the Stage was given by Bigfoot Lodge’s Vice Chief of Elections Xander C. at the 2024 Section G9 Conclave. While also emphasizing the importance of Arrowmen activation and retention, Setting the Stage emphasized the importance of unit elections in growing OA membership and extending opportunities to Scouts in units, clarifying the roles each individual plays in the elections process and illustrating how to build election teams. Beyond the elections process, the training highlighted the importance of maintaining consistent communication with units and positive unit relations by keeping up-to-date records via Lodgemaster and involving OA representatives. More on the Arrowmen activation and retention element of this training is covered above under “Inductions and Ceremonies.”

Access the presentation here.


Lodgemaster 101

Lodgemaster 101 was given at the 2021 Section C7 Conclave by Jon R. of Wag-O-Shag Lodge. Providing a comprehensive introduction to the Lodgemaster platform, this training covered the purpose of Lodgemaster and its uses in managing lodge membership, communication, and induction. By emphasizing the necessity of Lodgemaster and providing a useful demonstration of the Lodgemaster portal, Lodgemaster 101 provided useful knowledge on how to effecitvely manage lodge data.

Access the presentation here.