OA Section G9 Conclave Travelogue: Chapter 5

Trainings Overview!

About this Edition

Hello and welcome to the fifth chapter of the Conclave Travelogue! This week, we’d like to show off all of the fantastic trainings you can expect at this year’s “Around-the-World” themed conclave and update the lodge registration numbers. As a reminder, early-bird registration closes on March 27, so register here today!


Trainings Overview

This year at conclave, Arrowmen will be able to choose from four amazing training pathways – Inductions and Ceremonies Events (ICE), Leadership, Adult Advising, and Fun!


Inductions & Ceremonies Events (ICE)

Gain a deeper understanding of the Order of the Arrow inductions process through this training block! Trainings will include:


  • Understanding Ceremonies – A training on the meaning and takeaways of the ceremonies of the OA.


  • How to Brotherhood – Explore what Brotherhood is and the best way to help your members seal their membership in the OA.


  • Elangomating 101 – Examine why Elangomatting is important to the OA experience and how we can improve the induction process altogether.


  • ICE Roundtable – Discuss with other lodge leaders strategies for enhancing and improving various stages of the inductions process.



Arrowmen interested in further enhancing their capabilities as leaders within their lodges are encouraged to attend our leadership training block! Trainings will include: 

  • Unit Relations & Retention – Understand the importance of keeping in touch with units to be better with retention and keep members involved

  • Leadership Training with Region Chief Haley Flores – Learn from the Gateway Region Chief about leading with integrity, vision, and influence.

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Learn how we can make sure that all Scouts are included and be better leaders.

  • Leadership Roundtable – Participate in meaningful conversations with fellow lodge leaders to share best practices, collaborate on challenges, and develop actionable solutions to improve your lodge.


Adult Advising

Additionally, we have another training block designed specifically for our amazing adult Arrowmen and advisers! Trainings will include:

  • Adviser 101 – How to serve as a better advisor, and what does it mean to be an advisor in the first place?

  • Support Youth and Developing Relationships – How to support youth in their roles and develop relationships, focusing on building trust and collaboration.

  • Advisor Roundtable – Discuss with fellow advisors strategies for mentoring youth leaders, strengthening lodge programs, and fostering a culture of growth.



This session is perfect for Arrowmeneager to explore engaging and exciting opportunities during the morning training session. Trainings will include:

  • STEM 3D Printer Demonstration – Experience the excitement of 3D printing in action! Watch a live demonstration while exploring cutting-edge STEM opportunities in Scouting.


  • Cooking Around the World – Embark on a culinary journey and explore global flavors through interactive demonstrations.

  • World Scouting Overview – Discover what World Scouting is and exciting opportunities to connect, learn, and participate in international programs.


Registration Update

Now, for this week’s registration update! We currently have 74 awesome Arrowmen registered for Conclave. As a reminder, the lodge to achieve their registration goal will receive front-row seating at the Conclave shows! Current registration numbers are as follows:


Bigfoot – 11 / 50

Kanwa tho – 7 / 25

Lowaneu Allanque – 24 / 50

Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan – 2 / 10

Takhone – 20 / 58

Wag-O-Shag – 5 / 20

Waupecan – 8 / 20

Wulapeju – 12 / 18


Congratulations to the lodges who have increased their registration numbers this week! Make sure to register today for Conclave for just $40 here and invite a fellow Arrowman! 

Conclave Testimonial Submission

Finally, we would love to hear your past experiences from conclave! Share with us your favorite memory from conclave, or why you think others should go! You might just see your response in a future email or social media post. The form is short, and we are excited to hear from you! Fill out the Conclave Testimonial Form at this link: https://forms.gle/6TP28LKjth4BUnmy8


Until the Next Adventure, 

Your Conclave Planning Team